Blood sugar levels and vision changes

High blood sugar levels can cause swelling and deformation of the eye lens, causing blurred vision.

Chronic high blood sugar levels can also damage the microvasculature of the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of blindness in adults.

Regular eye health checks, especially for people with diabetes, are essential.

Convenient snacks for blood sugar management
Convenient and healthy snacks can help keep blood sugar stable and avoid blood sugar fluctuations caused by excessive hunger between meals.
Choose snacks rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats, such as nuts, yogurt, carrot sticks and whole-wheat crackers.
These foods not only provide sustained energy, but also prevent rapid increases in blood sugar.
Avoid high-sugar, high-fat snacks such as candy and potato chips.
Blood sugar control and gut health
Studies have shown that a balanced gut microbiome helps improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic function.
Foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and improve gut health.
Probiotic foods, such as yogurt and fermented foods, are also beneficial to gut health.
Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome can help optimize blood sugar management and reduce inflammatory responses.
Blood sugar levels and mood disorders
Low blood sugar levels may cause mood changes such as anxiety, irritability and depression, while high blood sugar levels may cause fatigue and low mood.
These emotional problems may further affect blood sugar management, forming a vicious cycle.
Keeping blood sugar stable helps with emotional balance and mental health.
Blood sugar control and cholesterol levels
High blood sugar affects lipid metabolism, leading to abnormal cholesterol levels and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol may increase the risk of arteriosclerosis.
Cholesterol levels can be improved by eating a healthy diet, controlling sugar intake and increasing the intake of unsaturated fatty acids such as fish, olive oil and nuts.
Moderate exercise and maintaining a normal weight are also effective ways to control blood sugar and cholesterol.
Blood sugar levels and ear health
High blood sugar levels can damage the microvessels in the inner ear, causing hearing loss and tinnitus, among other problems.
This is more common in people with diabetes, as chronic high blood sugar levels can damage the nervous system, including the auditory nerve.
Regular hearing tests, especially for people with diabetes who have poor blood sugar control, are key to early detection and treatment of hearing problems.
Blood sugar levels and exercise fatigue
Low blood sugar can lead to insufficient energy, making people feel tired and weak during exercise.
High blood sugar can lead to excessive dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which can increase fatigue.
Eating a moderate amount of carbohydrates before and after exercise can help maintain energy levels and reduce fatigue during exercise.
A good exercise plan and moderate intensity adjustment can also help reduce fatigue caused by blood sugar fluctuations.

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